
Voice Lessons Podcast

Blue Sky Time

Published 7 months ago • 8 min read

September 15th

We all have 24 hours in each day:

how are you using them?

What if being more productive wasn't about getting more stuff done?

What if making time was about learning to use your resources in new ways that bring about the most value in your life?

What if instead of productivity, you focused on congruence? Are your actions congruent with your vision and values?

Does the way you're using your time in this moment bring you closer to, or further away from, where you say you want to go Reader? From who you want to be? From what you say you want to have?

Do you even know what that is in this moment?

Are you present, for all of it?

Or, is life just whizzing by?

Does it feel like you're always doing instead of enjoying?

As if the more goals you check complete on your list, the less satisfied you are?

Are you tired of being the person everyone else counts on to be responsible?

Do you ever find yourself wondering, is everyone working this hard?

I get it. I've been there.

And I've realized it’s not about changing who you are—there is nothing wrong with you—it’s about revealing it. Who you are in this moment is 100% enough and now it's time to make sure that your life supports who you are. It's time to take care of yourself as well as you've been taking care of everyone else.

It’s time to stop explaining yourself as if your ideas, feelings, desires, preferences, your choices are an aberration, instead of the pinpoints of light on the map of your experience, the ones that are a reflection of your whole self.

In my work I’ve learned that each soul chooses her own way and timing for being seen and if you're resonating with this, your time is now.

This September, I’m inviting a group of women to come together and explore what it means to be visible in an exciting new offering I've called:

Over six weeks starting September 28th (ending November 2nd), you’ll create a visibility practice, one that suits your spirit, one that will help you to get back in touch with your vision and to reveal yourself wholly.

Here's how we'll do it:

i) Self-Paced Sessions.
You'll listen to pre-recorded, audio study sessions at your own pace and that I will release over the six weeks in a way that supports your practice.
ii) LIVE Deep Listening and Laser Coaching Sessions (X4).
In these 75-minute group sessions which will happen four times over the six week period, you will have a chance to get your questions answered as you work through the material and develop your practice.
iii) Private Sacred Circle.
I'm limiting the enrollment of this offering on purpose. If you're a part of this select group, you'll join an online practice room women where you can post your questions and share your stories in trust and truth. I believe that the group that is forming for this work in this moment is meant to do this work together.
iv) Common Place Book. You’ll learn to create a common place book for your practice with “INVision pages” so that your practice is repeatable, visual and beautiful (1 Book Total)

Throughout the practice period, we will unravel these six core themes and questions, among many others:

{Invisible Women} What is the invisibility cake and how are you baked in? What are the behaviors that keep women invisible and why do they matter?

{Visibility Knots™} What are Visibility Knots and why are they important? How can you identify yours? How can you release them?

{Take Up Space} Your body is talking, are you listening? How to develop a practice of listening to your body's cues and take up as much space as you need.

{In “vision”} What do you really, really want? What’s in the way of getting it? What would happen if you listened to the nudge of the little (and big) creative ideas that keep trying to get your attention?

{Use Your Voice} What emotional contracts have you made? Which ones need to be re-negotiated and why? How to reframe conflict with care.

{GUTmetrics} What's the difference between boundaries and standards and what does your gut have to do with it? How can you expand and maintain your practice?

It's time to live your story in a way that allows you to reveal yourself wholly.

What does becoming visible mean to you Reader?

If you're feeling any of these: you need more creative fulfilment... something is missing... you're in a rut...

...bored in your business... you're in the middle of a personal transition... there is a new beginning you need to clarify... you don't speak your truth, of claiming what you say you want... you have habits that encourage you to remain "invisible"... you have a story to tell, not just for your own expression but for the women in your community... you want more...

...if you're seeking validation, acceptance, or acknowledgement from anyone but yourself first...

...if you're enduring or tolerating instead of celebrating...

...if you've fallen into patterns of squishing yourself into a life that satisfies other people’s opinions, stop that please!

Becoming visible is as individual as your fingerprints, here are a few ways the women I've worked with have allowed themselves to be seen:

~ Traditional visibility like getting covered in magazines and newspapers and being on TV.

~ Learning to tell her story to, and for, the women in her community, stories that have been traditionally hidden so that other women can be uplifted by them.

~ Asking for (and receiving) more money for her creative work.

~ Leaving a full-time, six-figure corporate career to start a creative business (and earn as much or more).

~ Making time to care for herself at the same level she cares for everyone else.

~ Taking a manuscript out of a drawer, or a paintbrush or a camera.

~ Telling the truth in relationships, romantic and otherwise.

You arrived on the planet with a promise to your true self, an intention, a purpose, one that you don’t need somebody else’s permission to live. It’s time to keep it. It's time to live your story in a way that allows you to reveal yourself wholly.


I may not be able to attend one of the LIVE Laser Coaching days, will sessions be recorded?

We do encourage participants to attend all of the live laser sessions but if you have to miss a call, the good news is that all sessions will be recorded and shared with program participants.

I’m concerned about privacy.

The work we do together is sacred, in trust and truth. When you commit to our six-week practice, you are making a commitment to honor the privacy and personal boundaries of each participant in this group and to give each member your full respect. That’s listed in our TERMS & CONDITIONS. What happens in the group stays in the group.

I’ve tried online programs before, how is this one different.

The simplest answer I can give is that if you haven’t worked with me before then it would be impossible for you to compare the results of this program with another online offer. When you make a decision to be supported in becoming visible by me as a coach now, I will stand with you in seeing yourself and your vision realized. I’ve worked with so many different kinds of women and when a woman is ready to be held accountable in her practice, results happen.

I’m really busy right now. Can I buy the practice in a few months?

If you are in transition, bored or feeling like something is missing, then the timing for this practice is now. Remember, part of the work we do is making space and that means saying “yes” to a whole way of being in real time. But in case you’re wondering, no additional dates have been scheduled for this offer.

How much time will I need to complete the course material?

You will need approximately 2 hours per week. That might feel impossible if you’re already busy, but seeing yourself and your vision on your calendar is an investment worth making. Also, this isn’t a race, it’s a practice, you'll always be able to catch" up.

I would like my team members to participate, is there a group rate?

We have trainings available for teams. Use our website contact page to schedule a time to speak about them.

What if I don’t have a vision for myself that I can see clearly?

That’s the whole point of doing this work together. It is my firm belief that we all know the answers IF we’re asked the right questions and that’s where I can help. I ask A LOT of questions. Also, being in community with other women who may articulate something you’ve been feeling, but can’t put words to, is powerful. Start where you’re at, it's the only place you can begin and the most powerful one.

I like her story but what are Kim's credentials?

Kim Kuhteubl is an award-winning producer, author and member of the Producers Guild of America. She has produced hundreds of hours of lifestyle television and two films that were licensed for broadcast. She also spent some time in front of the camera and learned about getting publicity--over 200 pieces about herself and her work--in the trenches producing indie theatre. Working with creatives, she's now helped hundreds become visible. Many have been traditionally published and a few have won licensing and television deals. As a coach, she is gifted at helping people navigate the terrain between the unseen world of emotions and ideas and the way you want your life to be.

I love working in a group but I’m worried I will need more help.

If you need even more personal attention and don’t feel like you'll get enough working in a group, or if you’re more of a “starter” than a “finisher”, I offer private coaching to creatives who need more accountability.

My significant other doesn’t want me to spend the money.

I know this is tricky, especially when you’ve committed to grow financially, and/or raise kids with another person. If you’ve never invested in yourself in this way, you might have a hard time explaining the values of invisible results like confidence, joy, creativity and clarity to a partner who is always worried about money, or who manages the way you spend it on yourself and your growth. We will learn to re-negotiate your emotional contracts in this program and this is the first one. You are the sovereign of your soul. If you are determined to allow more for yourself now, know that you will also be creating more for your partner and your kids too. If you’re not used to taking care of yourself at the same level you take care of everyone else, it’s time. Start by trusting your own judgment. The only permission you need is your own.

Becoming truly visible is an inside job and you deserve to live your life wholly expressed.

Voice Lessons Podcast

by Kim Kuhteubl

Use your voice. Blow sh*t up. A newsletter about creativity, visibility and the way women lead.

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