
Voice Lessons Podcast

by Kim Kuhteubl

Use your voice. Blow sh*t up. A newsletter about creativity, visibility and the way women lead.

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Is Your Art Saving You?

My mother used to say that if I learned to type I would always have a job. Happily, I was intuitive enough to replace type with write early on. I didn’t know I would be a writer. In fact, I was afraid to claim that identity for many years because I didn’t think I was a real writer, not like the ones who wrote the books and plays that I adored. Writing for me was a tool for survival. I don’t remember when I started to use a pen to form sentences, but I do remember my first journal. It had a...

10 days ago • 2 min read

You’re not imagining it. Those rules you’re supposed to follow about how women are supposed to be, about what you’re supposed to want, about how you should achieve. Those rules weren’t written with you in mind. Have they told you that you’re too driven? Too outspoken? Too sensitive? Too much? Me too. I see you. Even though it might sting—a lot—I know you’re keep it moving because you have things to do in and for the world. You are here to blow up broken systems and ways of being. You are here...

24 days ago • 2 min read

When it comes to design, it’s not uncommon to describe objects in terms of their masculine and feminine qualities. Those descriptions become more loaded though when they’re applied to human beings. What does it mean to be feminine or masculine? I’ve always been interested in the aspects of leadership that are considered "feminine" because words have power but historically, when it comes to leadership, qualities that are deemed feminine don’t. In fact, a generation of women worked hard to take...

about 1 month ago • 2 min read

I’m back from Alt Summit and a little jet lagged. I always calendar a recovery day post travel and this year I’m being extra diligent about taking it. It means I had time to watch an amazing webinar hosted by Fidelity with some members of their team and Viola Davis for their Women Talk Money series. Yes, you read that right! The EGOT (an acronym people who have won an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony Award) and author had a lot to say about growing up without money to meet even her most basic...

about 2 months ago • 2 min read

I’ve been playing a game the last couple of weeks that would make Eleanor Roosevelt proud. It’s called, “Do One Scary Thing Per Day.” Whether it’s sending an email, making a call, having a conversation, or doing something I’ve never done before, I’ve been challenging myself to make sure that each scary action is related to my vision. Moving toward a vision doesn’t have to be scary. It’s usually just unfamiliar but in my case, unfamiliar or uncertain feels like status quo. I knew it was time...

about 2 months ago • 2 min read
Renee Bracey Sherman Founder of We Testify

I saw Maya Angelou speak twice in person, the first time before I knew how much her work and teachings would impact my life. I don’t remember why I bought that first ticket but when she opened her mouth and started to speak I cried. It was like some teenage girls respond at a rock concert. As we celebrate International Women’s Day, I want to use this space to let you know how important your story is, how your experience, no matter how much others may consider it taboo, matters. We are in an...

2 months ago • 1 min read

September 15th We all have 24 hours in each day: ↓ how are you using them? What if being more productive wasn't about getting more stuff done? What if making time was about learning to use your resources in new ways that bring about the most value in your life? What if instead of productivity, you focused on congruence? Are your actions congruent with your vision and values? Does the way you're using your time in this moment bring you closer to, or further away from, where you say you want to...

8 months ago • 8 min read
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