
Voice Lessons Podcast

Rule Breaker.

Published about 1 month ago • 2 min read

When it comes to design, it’s not uncommon to describe objects in terms of their masculine and feminine qualities. Those descriptions become more loaded though when they’re applied to human beings. What does it mean to be feminine or masculine?

I’ve always been interested in the aspects of leadership that are considered "feminine" because words have power but historically, when it comes to leadership, qualities that are deemed feminine don’t. In fact, a generation of women worked hard to take femininity out of the conversation when it came to their careers, skills and talents, especially in architecture. Even though, time and time again, it's shown that the skills most women excel at, the ones considered feminine for example, empathy and the ability to listen deeply, are what give companies a leading edge in producing above-average results.

In the corporate world, the things I work on with clients like collaborating effectively, managing time, fostering creativity, emotional discipline and communicating would be lumped into a category called “soft skills”. That’s always struck me as ironic, because if you’ve been in business for any length of time, you know that mastering these skills is hard.

Intangibles are tricky to measure and the ways to develop them are highly personal and subjective. It’s why I’m constantly adding new tools and practices to my process. What works for one designer probably won’t work for another. Creatives are individual and I specialize in rebels, the ones who are tasked with breaking the rules. They're also the ones with ideas that don't fit neatly into boxes and so figuring out a way to communicate their value, which is always subjective, takes persistence and skill.

So I was pretty excited to speak with Guggenheim Fellow and Liberty Science Genius Award, Dr. Ellen Langer, who is widely known as the mother of mindfulness about her new book "The Mindful Body".

In this episode of Voice Lessons Podcast, "A Lesson on Mindfulness", you'll be surprised to learn what this Harvard Psychology Professor says about mindfulness and the notions of masculinity and femininity in leadership. You'll also learn why when it comes to women, in this moment, breaking the rules is more important than ever.

Calling All Creative Rebels.

For every person who tells you it can’t be done, there is a person who can and will. She is you. Do you see yourself: Wholly? Are you clear about your point of view? The value of your creativity? What you need to say and to whom? Do you know where you’re going and why? Are you soul-led or slogging? Are you making time?

Are you ready to ILLUMINATE? Over 40 Days starting April 23, 2024 we will transform the ways we see ourselves and weave a whole identity that allows you to do your most fulfilling work now.

Here's what Bess Sturman said about Illuminate:

"Having dedicated more than a decade to building and running my own successful creative business, I found myself seeking a purposeful next step in my artistic life and career. When I signed up for Illuminate, I was making a choice to engage with the material deeply and so much has shifted. I started writing again. I took a lot of “maybes” off my list and I’ve created a plan for what I’m doing next. It’s a creative practice that I am sure to return to again and again."

Voice Lessons Podcast

by Kim Kuhteubl

Use your voice. Blow sh*t up. A newsletter about creativity, visibility and the way women lead.

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When it comes to design, it’s not uncommon to describe objects in terms of their masculine and feminine qualities. Those descriptions become more loaded though when they’re applied to human beings. What does it mean to be feminine or masculine? I’ve always been interested in the aspects of leadership that are considered "feminine" because words have power but historically, when it comes to leadership, qualities that are deemed feminine don’t. In fact, a generation of women worked hard to take...

about 1 month ago • 2 min read
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